LifesizeBeauty Once upon a time, YouTube musician Meghan Tonjes (commonly known as the #BootyRevolution girl) posted a Halloween makeup tutorial that made me laugh, cry, and pray. Literally. "Please God," I said, "Let this woman make more glorious makeup related videos so my soul can be happy." And lo! Nearly a year later, my prayers were answered. Meghan created a brand new beauty channel called LifesizeBeauty (paying homage to her former colab channel Project Lifesize) and in the short time her channel has been active she has covered a wide array of topics; she's done unboxings, makeup tutorials, product reviews, hauls, and she's talked about body positivity, haircare, plastic surgery, and MUCH MORE. Meghan has always been one of the most genuine, positive influences in the YouTube community, and it's so refreshing to see her expand her brand into the beauty world. I'm mildly obsessed with her - you should be too! heyclaireI first heard of Claire Marshall through my ultimate favorite beauty guru, essiebutton. Estee described her as "that cool LA girl we all wish we could be," and that's definitely a good description of her. I was skeptical as to whether or not I would like her videos because our styles are SO different (she's really punk, covered in tattoos, and contours her face like Kim Kardashian) but after watching her channel, I was taught a good lesson on not judging a book by it's cover. If you're looking for well-produced videos and quality content from a super cool chick, Claire is right for you! Arden Rose Arden is yet ANOTHER recommendation from the lovely essiebutton, and she continually makes me laugh hysterically. I first started watching her after she visited Estee in London, and I've been completely hooked on her videos ever since. Arden's channel is a healthy mix of traditional beauty videos, outside-the-box beauty videos, and videos that have nothing to do with beauty at all. Regardless of what topics she covers, she never stops being herself! I regularly marathon through her videos and re-watch ones I've watched ten times before because I just can't get enough of her. Come into her garden. ;) It took me a while to get this up, but here are my favorite beauty products from the year 2013! There were so many products I loved this year and I tried really hard to limit myself so this isn't a year-long post. ;) HairI've had a pixie cut for years, so hair products aren't really something I've had to care about in a long time. Now my hair is longer and I've been getting it colored, so taking care of it has greatly increased in importance. Particularly since coloring my hair, I've had to switch up some things, mostly my shampoo. Garnier Fructis has been my Holy Grail of shampoos this year!!
SkincareMy skin has gone through a TON of changes this past year. My dermatologist worked wonders on my face and I've magically gone from having horrible, oily, acne-prone skin to having normal skin with one breakout every few months. It's a miracle beyond everyone's wildest dreams, but it has required me to change up my skincare products quite a bit. Basically, Neutrogena has taken over my life.
April 2019